This isn't an official start page for online scoring. The purpose of this page is instead to explain how to integrate online scoring into your own web page.

Start by adding the following code between <head> and </head>:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Then open the scoring online window from anywhere on your page using this link:
<a href="javascript:OnlineScoring(161)">Online scoring from Ylöjärven Keilahalli</a>
The number in the link above (161) is the ID value for the bowling center you want to show, in this case Ylöjärven Keilahalli. The right ID value can be found in the table below.
112 1st World Singles Championship 0/24
168 Ashwaubenon Bowl 0/60
111 BNC Bratislava 0/16
101 BowlCircus Rosavilla 0/26
108 BowlCircus Sello 0/16
107 BowlCircus Vuokatti 0/16
157 Bowling Chamartin 0/20
169 Brunswick Zone Carolier 0/82
103 Cosmic Kapitoly 0/22
114 Cosmik Waypark 0/28
102 Cosmo Bowling Münster 0/28
109 De Meibloem 0/20
106 Dream Bowl Palace 0/52
163 Eastway Bowling Center 0/32
164 Happy Bowling 0/10
116 Hutunki Bowling 0/12
150 International Training & Research Center 0/16
167 Khalifa Bowling Center 0/40
171 Kupittaan Keilahalli 0/16
162 Kurikka Keilahalli 0/8
165 Liike 0/8
175 Northway Lanes 0/50
172 Pelixir-Kempele 0/10
166 Pelixir-Oulu 0/16
152 Plaza Reims Thillois 0/22
151 Rab´s Country Lanes 3/48
115 Rauhalahti Bowling 0/12
113 Red and Black 0/24
158 Red Rock Lanes 0/72
170 Russkoe Polye 0/52
117 Smyrna Bowling Center 0/52
156 South Point Casino 0/64
174 Spare Time Lanes Lansing 0/31
160 SQB - Squash & Bowling Center Seinäjoki 0/12
100 St Maximin 0/28
176 Strike Force Lanes 0/32
154 Strike Zone Bowling Center 0/72
110 Tali 0/36
159 The Orleans 0/70
104 West Seattle Bowl 0/32
161 Ylöjärven Keilahalli 0/6
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
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